Yoga Classes w/c 15 January

Open your heart & overcome fear with natarajasana

This week my classes continue January’s theme of new beginnings focusing on overcoming fear. 

We’ll confront three fears on our mats: the fear of falling, our fear of the world turning upside down and the fear of opening our hearts. 

Natarajasana or dancer pose will feature in all of my classes this week. It’s a challenging balance so helps us overcome our fear of falling. And it’s so much more than that! It strengthens the legs, it opens the heart and hips, and it stretches pretty much everything. 

Best of all I find it makes me feel elegant and graceful, which on a personal level brings an added level of joy to my yoga. 

Natarajasana is named for Shiva the dancer, who, in this pose, beats a drum that marks the beginning and end of time. It’s a reminder for us to listen to our own inner rhythm and that each heartbeat is a new beginning. 

I love this pose. 

Yoga Classes are at

  • ClaphamSpace, 1 Landor Road on Tuesdays at 8.15pm
  • Stillpoint Yoga Studio, 41 Acre Lane, upstairs, 7pm for dynamic flow and 8pm for slow flow
  • StudioB, 130  Brixton Hill, SW2  on Friday at 9.30am

All classes are £10, come to both Wednesday classes for £15.
I now have a portable card reader so you can pay by contactless if that suits you better. 

natarajasana aka dancer pose

Win a private yoga class with me for you and a friend  

It’s easy to enter … sign up to my newsletter, simply scroll down to the bottom of the page and fill in the very simple form. I’ll draw the winner at random on 24 January (the half moon). 

Please only enter if you live locally, south or inner London or is happy to travel here, so that we can arrange the prize easily for everyone. I’m happy to come to your house or you can come to mine for the class

claire benson