Yoga classes w/c 11 June
Yoga to ignite wonder of confidence
This week in class we’ll be contemplating confidence by activating Manipura chakra, our centre for self-worth, action and confidence. Confidence and inner power is inherently linked to action; it only exists in the context of doing something. Therefore it is built from the actions we take, from overcoming challenges and taking on the difficult things. That feeling you have when you achieve something you didn’t think possible, that is confidence.
Manipura chakra represents the fire element so we’ll be creating heat in class with our breath and asanas. Expect to see different variations of plank pose, warriors in many guises and vrkasana, to remind us that with strength we also need flexibility.
Manipura is your power place, it’s where you can strengthen and direct your inner power and will so that you achieve your desired outcomes. When it’s balanced you’ll have a positive sense of self, be warm & energetic and of course confident!
I look forward to seeing you in class …
- Tuesday, 8.15pm, Clapham Space, 1 Landor Road, for fabulous flow
- Wednesday, 7am, Clapham Space, 1 Landor Road, for yoga with HIIT
- Wednesday, 7pm, Stillpoint Yoga, 41 Acre Lane for flow and crystal sound meditation
Note: No Friday class on 15 June and no Monday class on 18 June as I’m off to Barcelona for the weekend.
gate pose, aka Parighasana