Recharge, Rejuvenate, Relax …
I turned on the TV on Sunday night and was greeted by my first Christmas film of the season, the mince pies are everywhere and there’s no escaping the Christmas music. I can feel myself being pulled into the madness that is Christmas and it’s only mid November. This week in my classes I invite you to recharge, rejuvenate and relax so that you are best prepared for the chaos of this silly season.
To do this we’ll call on asanas that celebrate Vishnu. Vishnu is the maintainer and preserver of the world, he is calm and peaceful. One of Vishnu’s incarnations is Buddha.
Vishnu is god of the sun, so we’ll flow through our sun salutations with variations that will open our hearts and hips, strengthen our arms and stretch our hands and wrists.
Vishnu rides on the giant eagle Garuda, which we’ll honour in Garudasana or eagle pose and he is often pictured resting, even sleeping, on a coil of snakes, which we’ll acknowledge in reclining Vishnu pose – Anantāsana – and cobra pose – Bhujangasana. We’ll also take on tortoise pose just for fun.
The class will be a flowing mixture of dynamic and still postures; each challenging in their own way to help you build strength in your body and spirit so that you can take on all that Christmas has in store for you.
“10.00am Friday, at studio b Brixton Hill, Brixton, SW2. Please phone me on 07961317251 to book your space as places for this class are strictly limited.
8.15 Tues, at ClaphamSpace, 1 Landor Road, SW9. Drop in
Both classes: £10. ”