Go with the flow
Natarajasana on Clapham Common at dawn (luckily no need to get up early to see the sunrise at the moment!)
I find the transition from autumn to winter really tough, especially the dark evenings. The time between school pick up and an acceptable time to turn on the TV drags on endlessly… I want to be in the park playing in the sunshine. But, as my husband often reminds me ‘happiness is the acceptance of reality’, so this week I find myself surrendering to the flow of life and finding ways to accept the cycle of the seasons.
In my classes we’ll consider Shiva as dancer in the pose Natarajasana. In this pose Shiva beats a drum that marks the beginning and end of time. As yogis we can contemplate this on a more human scale: dawn and dusk, the waxing and waning of the moon as well as the changing seasons.
During the class we’ll flow through our asanas bringing our attention to the changing nature of each pose, its beginning, middle and end. We’ll observe how our bodies change through the flow of the class bringing a different depth to each pose as we cycle through our vinyasas. We’ll notice how even in ‘stillness’ our bodies receive and release with the cyclical movement of each breath.
You’ll leave the class warm with the glow of movement and – hopefully – more willing to accept the dark nights and cold mornings of winter.
I can’t wait to see you there.
Friday 10th November at 10, phone me on 07961317251 to book your place
Tuesday14th 8.15 at Clapham Space, 1 Landor Road, £10 drop in