Yoga for ‘elf and ‘appiness
Elf is the best film that’s ever been made. FACT!
It tells the story of Buddy, a human raised by elves in the North Pole and his journey of discovery as he goes to find his human dad in New York city.
Like the ancient myths, Elf is a story of good triumphing over evil, of innocence winning over cynicism and of one person’s optimistic, enthusiastic and caring nature transforming the lives of those around him for the better.
My classes this week celebrate the magic of Buddy the elf and reflect on how living a yogic life means living our own unique truth.
And to invoke a little extra festive ‘appiness we’ll call on the goddess Lakshmi in Deviasana - goddess pose - and even explore a ‘goddess in heels’. Lakshmi is the goddess of beauty, prosperity and good fortune. She is graceful, showing great strength as well as a wise, gentle benevolence.
Classes: Friday at 10am, studio b, 130 Brixton Hill, SW2 and Tuesday at 8.15, ClaphamSpace, 1 Landor Road, SW9
£10 drop in
Three steps to connect with abundance of the universe
In these weeks of over-indulgence and focus on material gifts it’s good to remember how plentiful are lives already are. Here’s a quick way that can help connect you with the abundance in your life and beyond …
Step 1 - Lie down on the floor, notice how safe and secure you feel, become aware of all the parts of your body that are touching the floor and focus on the world supporting you
Step 2 - Put your hands on your belly and breathe in the knowledge that you have everything you need right now
Step 3 - Listen to the fullness of the world around you – your heartbeat, your breath, the birds outside, the buses, the children playing, even the sirens and buses - it all contributes to the wonderful richness of your life.
Whatever you do this week, have fun, channel a little elfness and smile - lots!