Yoga classes w/c 19 March
Yoga to celebrate the coming of summer
My garden is full of snow and it’s below zero degrees as I write, it’s hard to believe that British Summer Time starts on Saturday!
Another key date in the calendar this week is the spring equinox on Tuesday. This is a magical moment when we have equal hours of daylight and darkness. The spring equinox is a joyful opportunity to celebrate the coming of summer and the bounty that it brings.
To honour the return of the sun (I hope) each of my classes this week will have Surya Namaskara – or the sun salutation – at its core. We’ll flow through different variations, bringing attention to the different elements of this gorgeous sequence of movements, including the often ignored mountain pose, tadasana.
Tadasana is the perfect pose to reflect on the equinox: our feet are rooted into the earth yet our heads float upwards to the heavens; we are balanced equally with both left and right feet taking equal weight; and we bring left and right sides of our body together with a prayer at anahata, our heart centre, the central chakra.
Tadasana invites us to recall the story of Parvarti as she waits for Shiva in the mountains to recognise her as equal and unite with her as consort. Parvarti is the primary personification of Shakti, or manifest divine energy. She is the mother of all gods and goddesses, of all humanity and creation itself. Parvarti is the benevolent balance to Shiva’s passion.
The equinox also invites us to consider balance in our lives, so of course each class will feature my favourite balances, dancer – natarajasana – and half moon pose – ardha chandrasana …
I look forward to welcoming you to class
- Tuesday, 8.15pm, vinyasa flow, ClaphamSpace, 1 Landor Road, Clapham, SW9, drop in
- Wednesday, 7pm dynamic flow, 8pm slow flow and meditation, Stillpoint Yoga Studio, upstairs at 41 Acre Lane, Brixton, SW2
- Friday, 9.30am, dynamic flow, Studio B, front studio 130 Brixton Hill, SW2
£10 per class or both Wednesday classes for £15
Call me with any questions on 07961317251.
Finding my balance in dancer pose - natarajasana